Insider Cruise Tips! 65 Years Combined Industry Travel Experience!

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"How To Have the Most Fantastic Cruise Vacation Possible

At The Lowest Price!

Ex-Airline Pilot and Flight Attendant - Veterans of Numerous Cruises... Reveal How You Can Have The Most Enjoyable Vacation You Could Ever Imagine!

From: Ron Rougeaux
Insiders Cruise Tips and Secrets
Special Report

Dear Friend,

Would you like to experience the most enjoyable vacation of your life? an affordable price? Would you like to know you haven't wasted your money on certain aspects on a cruise ship? Would you like to really and truly enjoy the comfort of your cruise ship cabin... even if its the cheapest inside cabin on the ship?

Well, you can you know. My wife and I have been lucky enough to enjoy cruises to almost every part of the world and we wouldn't have done it any other way!

But, this letter isn't about us... it's all about you and how you can enjoy the same un-ending supply of fantastic food, exotic ports of call and enjoyment on a cruise ship you've never thought possible.

No, I don't work for the cruise lines. Although you would think so by the way I keep talking up these fantastic floating holidays. So, you may wonder why this letter cruise package? The fact is, that my wife and I have enjoyed such memorable times on cruise ships that we would like you to have the same enjoyment we've been able to enjoy and believe that everyone (including you) should have the same opportunity we've had during your lifetime.

Just for the record.. We're not super rich and we didn't inherit millions of dollars. We're just like you. We try to save money when we can but still have a good time.

You see, I am an ex-airline pilot and my wife is a flight attendant. We are veterans of literally thousands of cruises and flights all over the world... and because of our jobs, we've probably been to more places, more times than thousands of "non travellers" have spent in their lifetimes.

So what? The fact is we've learned A LOT! We've discovered what to do and probably more imporant... what NOT to do when booking, purchasing and travelling on cruise ships. We've had absolutely fantastic times 95% of the time on cruise ships... but have had the occasional (awakening) on some others...

...and because of that, we want you to benefit from what we've learned... so you won't have to lose time and money when you shouldn't have. So that you can the absolute greatest enjoyment from your cruise vacation without those occasional little "hitches".

Paying too much for a inside cabin, (the least expensive one) ...

We paid the same amount of money for an inside cabin as another couple did that had a top of the line suite! (This couple knew the inside secrets to a FREE CABIN UPGRADE) and you could get a FREE UPGRADE to YOUR CABIN TOO!

 The airline loses your luggage...

We have had this happen and how to prevent the problems where you might not get your luggage until 7 days into the cruise! Yes, it happened!

(Discover how you can pack your bags right to prevent this disaster.)

Financial Disaster! You pack and you forget to pack your passport or money!

We use a checklist every time we travel, even though we're experienced cruise pros as we are. Or you lose your carry-on luggage and you don't have any money since ALL your money was in ONE PLACE! (Get the Fool Proof Checklist for Packing right here to prevent this financial disaster.)

You don't designate a dinner seating option...

You chose the 'assigned seating option' and you get stuck with dinner companions that you definitely DON'T want to eat dinner next to EVER AGAIN AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT! (Get the inside story on the dining plans and how you can select the best dinner plan to suit your needs. )

You don't buy the cruise line on shore tour...

You chose to go the cheaper route and do not buy the cruise line booked tour option, AND you miss your ship! Did you know YOU have to pay the travel costs to catch up with the ship that left you behind because you were late? (Find out how to prevent missing your ship, what key item you need to pack and use to be on time, every time.)

You want to save money and decide you will take a taxi...

Again, You chose to go the cheaper route and do not buy the cruise line booked tour option, and you take your chances of going off on your own and YOU GET MUGGED! (Discover how you can have an adventure yet, stay safe. Get the dos and don'ts for taxi and public transportation right here. )

You or a member of your family get sick on the cruise...

You feel fine and get the norovirus or the flu! (Beat the odds, find out how you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harmful sicknesses, and take the right precautions to prevent this disaster.)

You're ready for some sun and forgot to pack the sunscreen.

You fall asleep in a lounge chair, and wake up 3 hours later with a terrible sunburn! (You really do need your pre-departure cruise checklist for packing for your cruise, who can really enjoy themselves with a bad sunburn? )

You're in a hurry, packing up to depart and you make a BIG MISTAKE...

My wife and I packed all our luggage to be checked for the cruise ship crew to pick up before our debarking from the ship and we had packed vital items in our checked luggage that we needed that day! (Discover how you can pack your bags right when going home to prevent this final disaster at the end of your cruise.)

Fortunately, You Can Take Advantage of Our Mistakes!

Mistakes that cost us having a good time on our cruise...

Mistakes that cost us experiences and extra perks and comforts we did not know about on our cruise...

Mistakes that cost us hundreds and even thousands of $$$ dollars over the years!

We want you to benefit from our mistakes and over 65 years of combined service in the cruise ship travel industry. We will tell you what to do, when to do it and how to plan and book your cruise vacation of a lifetime -- hassle free...and it is easy when you know the right things to do and what to avoid at all cost!

We wished we would have had someone to tell us these cruise secrets before we booked our first cruise!
You'll discover the right way to book your cruise and save tons of money to boot! You will know ahead of time, the what, when and the how of preventing these types of mistakes so you can: lounge in the sun, enjoy the cruise activities, and experience the best cruise of your life.

Get the inside story on your safety. Protect yourself from pick pockets, taxi cab drivers and muggers. We want you to enjoy your

on- shore excursions, and be safe too.

You will know the inside secrets of how to:

Get the lowest possible price for your cruise - bar none!

Book with the Best Cruise Line to closely match your dream cruise

Look like a 'Cruise Pro' because you'll know what's the right thing to do at the right time to prevent cruise disasters from happening to you!

Sleep like a baby in the smoothest riding cabin for the lowest price.

Come home with money in your pockets!

Be Smart When Booking Your First Cruise!
You can easily become a 'Cruise Pro!'

No doubt about it, the secrets are right here...

And, just minutes from now you can know the right way how to...

•Purchase your cruise and stick with your budget! ...and how you can get free cabin upgrades, shore excursions, premium meals and other perks! Do you know which cabins sell out first and why? The secret is in the booking... (on page 6.)

•How to choose a 'Cruise' Travel Agent you KNOW will work for you! This is very important to get a great cruise at a great price.... BUT, you can't depend on them alone! Don't! Discover the secret of what you have to do! (see pages 7 - 8)

•What you need to know "before" you book your cruise. Best times of the year to go to Alaska, the Mediterranean, Europe and the Caribbean. This could literally save you hundreds of dollars! And prevent a ruined trip. don't miss this step, and be sure to book at the right time of the year! (see pages 9 - 12.)

•Thinking of a Party or Theme Cruises? Make sure you know what age group the other passengers are! You may NOT want to be part of a Spring Break Party! (on pages 13 - 14.)

•Beware hidden cruise costs! Did you know that there are places on ship you may want to avoid to not spend beyond your budget? Find out those places. Keep your hard earned money from being spent on cruise perks that you could get for FREE! You need to know where the cruise lines REALLY make their money! (see pages 15 - 19.)

•Shore excursions can be expensive... very expensive. This technique will literally save you 'hundreds' of dollars in shore excursions without missing a single place of interest. (on pages 20 - 23.)

•How to pack perfect for the perfect cruise! You'll might be able to take one less bag! Don't depart home without getting this packing checklist! (see pages 27 - 31.)

•What you absolutely 'need' to know before you leave for your cruise! Don't depart home without reading these tips about your health, safety and securing your passport and money! (see pages 31 - 33.)

•Be Sure to Get the Required Extras! What about laundry service? Don't forget these for a really enjoyable cruise! (on pages 34-36)

•Gratuities and Tipping, how to tip right and save money! Remember the cruise lines automatically ADD a substantial portion of the tip to your bill! How to tip without breaking the budget! (check out pages 37 - 38.)

•How to save money on your soda and wine bill! Cruise lines are well know for charging WAY too much! Discover what we do to save money! (check out money saving tips see pages 39 - 40.)

•The required... no.. the "must haves" ... to put in your carry on bags!

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